He-Man Styled Flea Market Chic

Great Products, Home Style, Love Style, Me, Sweet Scores, Uncategorized

The battle of making our master a place we love rages on. Still haven’t received the duvet cover yet but it scheduled to be delivered on Monday. It looks like this:


That should clear up any questions as to why I am so frigging excited for it to get here.

Anyway, my neighbor (who just so happens to be a fantastic vintage dealer!) gave me an old, 1982 He-Man kite. Used, but in the original package. Needless to say all pieces were previously well-loved. Once matted (or half-ass matted at least) and secured into a thrifted and repainted old brass frame, the beat-up old bag of a 30-year-old plastic kite is centering my whole bedroom. And I couldn’t be more pleased!

I also finally got to hang this little collage of happiness I picked up off a clearance rack for about $6 almost a year ago. It’s in a minty-teal and light orangey-red so it was previously working nowhere I placed it. It has found its forever home with He-Man. To balance the look I painted this shitty hibiscus print canvas I picked up for a dollar ages ago and gave it a couple of coats of chalkboard paint. The paint greatly improved the horrid print, and also seemed to toughen up the wimpy canvas. Once dry, I searched pinterest until I found a good design and quote I could mimic. Maybe my expectations were really low but I honestly could not be more pleased with the result. Decide for yourselves. Am I getting this whole flea market (without access to an actual flea market, of course) thing down?


So just to put things into perspective, the chalkboard canvas is 14’x14″. That means that’s quite a few square feet of MOTU (Ummm… Masters of the Universe… you non-’80s nerds!). I genuinely love it!


A Little Love

DIY Style, Great Products, Home Style, Love Style, Me, Stylin' Printables

So I am redoing our master bedroom. Actually I never did that room so I guess it’s not “redoing” but whatever. Anyway. Ordered a fun and wonderful new duvet cover from Urban Outfitters. Moved some stuff around. Maybe a few little things. And I will totally do before and after pics when there is an actual after. Until then, here is a little something I made for our walls. Costco is printing it up for me right now!

If you like it, comment your email address (or email it if you prefer) and I will email the printable image right to ya. Simple as that!

