30 Before 30

Fun Events, Me, Parenting Style

30 is right around the corner. Really. 30 is right around MY corner. I get that I sound like every other woman whose 20s are quickly becoming a thing of the past. There is nothing original about my thoughts. Where did the time go? The kids just grow up too quickly. I still feel 22. You blink and it’s gone. But just in case you aren’t there yet, that shit’s real. I feel positively flabbergasted that I am knocking at 30’s door and I met my husband at 23. 23? Weird. I guess that was awhile ago now.

October 4, 2014 I will turn 30. I guess I only have 8ish months to accomplish 30 more things off of my lifetime to-do list. What do you think? Am I missing anything good? Are there any you wanna join along on or help me with?  If you did anything like this or are currently, I would love to hear about your progress too. In the mean time, I will keep you as updated as I can.



Just in case my image isn’t very legible, here is the list:

1. Start a floral tattoo sleeve.
2. Write a poem of which I am proud.
3. Run a 5K.
4. Spend a day antiquing in Uniontown.
5. Take a family road trip.
6. Write and mail 5 handwritten letters.
7. Get a tattoo just because I think it is pretty.
8. Read 10 classic books I have never read previously.
9. Try yoga in someplace other than my living room.
10. Take one legit, progressive step towards adoption.
11. Attend a blogging or Color by Amber workshop or conference.
12. Get business cards for my blog.
13. Try out ombre hair.
14. Finish making over my kitchen.
15. Take a painting class.
16. Learn to make beautiful macaroons.
17. Complete a 30 day organization challenge.
18. Go to Farm Chicks.
19. Go wine tasting with my husband.
20. Complete a cross-stitch project.
21. Host a lovely dinner party for no real reason.
22. Join or start a book club.
23. Do some sort of blogging collaboration with another blogger.
24. Advance with Color by Amber.
25. Get involved with Women’s Connection or YWCA
26. Learn to shoot better in manual on the ol’ DSLR
27. Make a family time capsule.
28. Have a fun and special 5 year anniversary weekend.
29. Post a photo or 4 to mybodygallery.com.
30. Complete 30 random acts of kindness in the month prior to my big 3-0.

Push Creativity

Me, S-Style

A couple of weeks ago I had the incredible opportunity to attend a workshop on creativity and design thinking. One of the most memorable tings discussed was the instructor’s retelling of an experiment conducted. I can’t remember exactly how it went or where it was conducted, but the basis went something like this: an art professor was teaching a pottery class for a semester and split the class into two halves. The first half was told that their overall class grade would be based on the quality of a single piece. Those students made only one, or very few pottery pieces and put painstaking effort into their works. The second half of the class was told their grade would only be based on how many finished projects they could complete in the semester. Every piece counted no matter what it looked like. Att he end of the semester, the professor (and I) were surprised to find that the latter half of the class had significantly better work to exhibit than the former.

This story weighs so heavily on my mind. I know I fall somewhere in the middle — Which is worse because that means I am neither mass producing and continuously practicing my arts nor am I working diligently at one  masterpiece. I just truck along, never fulling pushing myself. Rarely bettering my arts. Maybe it gave be a bit of a high, but I have changed my tune and probably waaaayy over estimated my artistic talent. I am trudging along weight for a breakthrough. Creativity is creativity. I think (hope) that pushing myself creatively in a way unlike I have have ever done previously, will spill over onto other creative efforts.

I joined an Art Challenge with the local art co-op in my town. I paid my $30, picked up my 15 canvases and committed to covering one each day in art. Any medium I choose. The scary part is that after the 15 days is up, I have to bring them all back to the art co-op. And then they host a showing. And THEN they go on sale to the public on Small Business Saturday. Eek. I happened to see some of the other participants’ names when I picked up my canvas and let me tell you, I am so friggin’ far out of my league, it’s rather embarrassing. I am making up shit everyday and spewing it onto a canvas. Monday I almost started crying. After “Art Time” I was pretty sure I really liked S’s watercolor better than mine. I have a feeling if a 3-year-old has more skills than, I can only cross my fingers that they have the decency to not place my “art” near that of the talented women with M.A.’s in  Art History…

Yet, creativity-building this experience is. I am writing more. Thinking more and feeling more inspired. I will take nice photos of my work sometime soonish, but in the meantime, if you care to follow along on my overshot art challenge, follow me on instagram (search ellesmith104).

There is no way I can commit to writing everyday on top of doing this art challenge, but I would like too. I hope that making time to be creative will become habit, no matter the creative outlet. As we have all heard, being creative is not a hobby, it’s a lifestyle, and that is how I want to style my life.



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