D + D Save the Date Postcards

Love Style, Me


I am just wrapping up the custom save the date postcards I’ve been creating for the fabulous D & D. It took quite a few rough drafts to get the lettering just right. It seems working with the most generic looking fonts can be more difficult than the “fun” ones. Every detail counts. The spacing is just about right (finally) and I am satisfied with the result. I sent the proofs over to Miss D and await her approval. I suppose you all can be the judges for now. And if by any chance you are in the market for some custom work, feel free to shoot me a message.

The front:


The back:



Flea Market Style

Home Style, Me, Smith Style

I love living in this generation. Not necessarily in this particular close-minded, unable-to-think-beyond-a-crazy-mix-of camo-Carhardts-and-Coach community, but that’s beside the point. Seriously. Anything goes. We live in a world were “geek chic” is a thing. People can be gamers, readers, thrifters or programmers with pride and dignity. Hell, apparently there is even a place for those ridiculous couponers.

I have always read. When I was just a young lass—maybe 11 or so—I volunteered at the library. For fun. I was (am) fully aware of how old school card catalogs and the Dewey Decimal system works. This info was unspeakable information until maybe 6-7 years ago. Also all my life I’ve been a fan of yard-sales and thrift stores. Here’s the difference. As a high school chick I would lie about the origins of my clothing and accessories when complimented. At best I would say I purchased the items from a consignment shop. Now when people admire my red skinny cords or cream-colored crocheted vest, I boast about their $1.99 price tags. For the past few years I have continuously come into myself by feeling routinely and increasingly empowered as all my favorite things become not only accepted but trendy amongst certain groups.

Now not only have my fashion and hobby quirks been accepted into coolness, I found my place within home décor. Apparently there is this whole world (not in my community, obviously) where other crazy chicks combine hand-me-downs, crafty DIYs, salvaged junk—some redone, some as-is—and a few modern updates. And I don’t mean the land of shabby chic where all the above items are collected and mass painted off-white and trimmed in burlap. I mean rooms with color! These mysterious “others” with my style (and my goal looks) have decided it’s called flea market style. And guess what! There are design books and magazines already dedicated to this look I have been trying to fine tune on my own for years. It’s so freaking refreshing and inspiring. Check out my new crush magazine’s website http://fleamarketstylemag.blogspot.com/. AND even my local Albertson’s carries this magazine. Hit the link. You (if you are anything like me at all!) will swoon. Or at least be impressed that people can so artfully blend eclectic, vintage and retro pieces into modern fun. Oh my OMG!

Anyway, so here I am living in 2012—almost 2013!—and once again feeling pretty cool. Nope I didn’t invent this look. And after seeing the greatness that can be, I’m not even good at it. Irrelevant. It’s a thing and I now have interior design gods and goddesses to follow.

So here’s the deal, there is no reason not to incorporate some flea market kitsch into your look even if your style is more formal or even the related farmhouse or shabby chic looks. Flea market looks simply give you the opportunity to reuse/recycle and put anything you love (despite traditional uses) into your home. I.e. I am hardcore lusting for a card catalog right now! Even my babes’ rooms have some flea market to their styles—bunting, pre-loved quilts, old toys, and a bit of cross stitchery equals charm and style for poor folks! Here’s a (poor quality) shot of  the wall above G’s bad in his room.

012And here is some of my flea marketing… before I even realized what I was doing because almost no one here even uses that term.053



And if ya wanna see more of how the pros do flea market like a boss, check out my flea market style Pinterest board: http://pinterest.com/mrsellesmitty/flea-market-style/
