What I Wore Day 2: Rocker Chic Office Wear

Clothing Style, Me
Rocker chic office wear
The outfit I wore to work today is a variation of what has become my favorite go-to outfit this January. It may not be my most professional and business-like garb, but it meets all my office dress code criteria, it stays warm and comfy and I still feel pulled together. It’s pretty simple: Leggings + Boots + Dress + Outer layer.
My outer layer of choice is a clearance, black, vegan leather jacket by Joujou that I picked up at TJMaxx a month or so ago. I LOVE it. To be honest, I would not have thought I would wear it so often, but this jacket and I have been getting hanging out pretty intimately about 5x a week.  I have white, black and brown leggings and about 4 dresses that are the appropriate level of  casual to wear with this look and I rock it once a twice a week.

A Few Anniversaries

Body Image, Clothing Style, Good Reads, Great Products, Me, Sweet Scores

Happy anniversaries to me! One year ago today I started up Mrs. Mama Elle. It’s far from perfect but like everything, a work in progress. Also I have officially been a vegan for a month. Actually that anniversary was five days ago but I’ve been enjoying the journey so much I haven’t been paying attention to the calendar. It’s good.

Know what’s not so good? The fact that I have literally completely changed my diet and lifestyle yet when I arrive all pumped up for my first weigh-in at my gym’s Beach Body Challenge, I had lost 1.2 lbs. And honestly, it’s hard to tell if I even lost that. I took off my shoes, coat and PANTS just to get that number. Don’t look at me like that! For the original weigh-in I wore t-shirt, sports bra, gym shorts and socks. That day I had to go between class and work so I was in full layered shirts, coat, scarf, jeans, belt shoes, etc. When Miss-Skinny-Front-Desk-Lady sent me to weigh myself, you can be damn sure I took everything off I could.

Now please believe me when I say I did NOT begin my journey in veganism to loose weight. I didn’t. It was fully an environmental and conscientious decision on my part. Of course people “go veg” for any number of reasons, but those were mine. Still when I read Main Street Vegan and Victoria Moran’s transition from chubby girl always battling her weight to a natural 60 lbs. weight loss which led her to her current status of someone who “hasn’t dieted since the Reagan administration” , I got a little excited. Or a lot excited. I mentioned that my brother is getting married this July. I am thrilled to announce that I will be a bridesmaid. Here’s the thing. Delightful Miss (soon to be Mrs.) D has chosen a darling dress from Modcloth.com. Check ’em out if you haven’t before. It’s lovely mix of vintage, modern and classic charm. Naturally, I love the dress. The XS-L sizing is currently not working for me. How embarrassing, right? I  am literally supposed to line up with a  bunch of size small sorority  chicks in a dress that doesn’t even come in my size. Which brings us to the whole reason I joined the Beach Body Challenge: It’s my Bridesmaid Body Challenge. I have to loose 3 1/2 more inches off my waist to fit in the large. According to my extensive google research, that could be anywhere from 10-35 lbs. that have to go. With my spare-tire body shape, I know for fact that 10 lbs. will absolutely not cut it. And with only 1.2 (ish) lbs of weight lost last week, I think my rabbit food diet is not going to be enough to get me into the size large (8-10) dress range by July 20. It would appear that I must do the unthinkable. I will have to actually go to the gym outside of using their scale. I went yesterday for about 30 minutes. That was 4+ miles on the elliptical machine and then a bit of arm (the dress is sleeveless…) toning. I spent the entire time thinking this is so boring, why can’t we just have more active lifestyles instead of grouping up like idiots on machines wasting hours every week, why does that seagull just sit and sit on the Sistine chimney, and why didn’t I come up with creating a twitter account for said Sistine Seagull. Ridiculous. This is why I normally like class workouts. Of course there is the accountability, but also it lends social aspects or relaxation techniques so I feel like I am actually getting something done. Treadmills and ellipticals are just boring. Tomorrow I will try again. Maybe I can bring a book or something. Currently I am feeling like the only chubby vegan out there. Seriously. How can I not lose more weight when the worst thing I consume each day is a little too much EVOO or a 120 calorie soy mini-“ice cream” sandwich.

And finally, ya know how I know I am meant to be a vegan? ‘Cuz I won a super cute vegan t-shirt via facebook. Okay, the logic there is flawed. Especially since I won a big package of dairy-based, meal replacement shake powder during the Beach Body Challenge orientation. (I have never won anything in my life until that week and I won two separate things!) Anyway, the shirt came yesterday. I requested a medium with high hopes of losing more weight. It fits! It could look a little better but it fits. I feel quite official now. Here’s the tee:

Pro-Farming Vegan Shirt


If you find yourself needing one of these just click the pic to go to the Bold Native website or check ’em out on facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bold-Native/162792945925?fref=ts

