Calling Jillian Michaels!

Body Image, Me

Apparently I have a really bad relationship with food still. Today was my 6th weigh-in for this beach body challenge. Immediately after, I wanted to stuff as much food as possible into my mouth. Today was a less-than-desirable weigh in, so naturally I wanted to consume my disappointment in food. After all, the worst foods I ate all week were those god-forsaken fresco bean burritos and maybe too many reduced fat wheat thins. And I have already worked out at least 5 hours this week, not even counting today. Yet I got to witness a 1.3 lbs. increase. Clearly the only solution here is to eat more.

Thinking back I realized that after every weigh in all I want to do is eat. If I do well, then I want to eat something grand to celebrate. If I do poorly, I want to get down with some comfort food. Side note: In my often over-dramatic reality, those are the only two options.

On the plus side, I think that the little increase this week will help me achieve pedicure  bigger drop for next week.

Cheers to THAT!