Seasonal Greeting, 2013


I got my Christmas cards out more than a week before Christmas this year. This is good news for you because I can now release my bloggable versions of the 2013 Smith Family Card and newsletter. It sounds like a much bigger deal than it is. No one actually care but me.The fact remains that I like my close friends and family to have the joy of opening a card directly to them before they see our card and letter splattered on little avenues of the internet. Image



Merry Christmas.

Kiddo Crafty Style, Our Family Style

I won’t go overboard, but I do hope you each had a pleasant holiday. The joy of my young children d made my day one of the best Christmases ever.

Here are slightly-edited-for-privacy copies of our holiday mail-outs this year. I created each completely and rather like the way they turned out. Merry Christmas, all!

Our CardThe Card

Family LetterThe Family “Letter”