HaveHeart Magazine

Body Image, Fun Events, Good Reads, Great Products, Me, Stylin' Printables

So big news, not only did I get to launch a great new collaboration with Fairy Wings and Dinosaurs, I am officially a contributing writer to the awesome new magazine, HaveHeart Magazine. If you haven’t already checked it out, is a fairly traditional women’s magazine in many ways. It talks love, family, fashion, fitness, recipes, and more. Here’s the twist: This women’s mag actually celebrates women. And I mean all of them. All ages, all sizes, all women. If that isn’t crazy enough, there is a very strict no-photoshop policy in place. Not a single flyaway is smoothed back into place. That’s pretty damn awesome.

So anyway, they are graciously allowing me to share my words. Actually, not even just my words. My words, photos and some super special printables to help out my article as well. My only downside in this whole wonderful experience was looking at my laptop, seeing something I was proud of creating and not getting to share it here. My original article (find it here), is the launch to me being the party girl. I get to share all of my best tips on planning, budgeting, decorating for every event, party or holiday. It includes a downloadable event planning checklist. You have to head over to HaveHeart for the full article, put here’s a peak at the checklist!

event checklist



A Little Love

DIY Style, Great Products, Home Style, Love Style, Me, Stylin' Printables

So I am redoing our master bedroom. Actually I never did that room so I guess it’s not “redoing” but whatever. Anyway. Ordered a fun and wonderful new duvet cover from Urban Outfitters. Moved some stuff around. Maybe a few little things. And I will totally do before and after pics when there is an actual after. Until then, here is a little something I made for our walls. Costco is printing it up for me right now!

If you like it, comment your email address (or email it if you prefer) and I will email the printable image right to ya. Simple as that!

